Seville Family

The Seville Family, alternatively referred to as the Seville pirate clan, constituted a pirate organization active throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Under the leadership of Darion Seville, the Sevilles established their base of operations within a complex situated on an asteroid. They maintained a rivalry with the Vallaido Clan. Following the formation of an alliance between the Sevilles and the Galactic Empire, they combined their resources to devastate the Vallaido fleet.

Darion Seville frequently arranged duels between her droids. During one such event, the droid MdZ-BLK attempted to assassinate her. Yearo Seville, her son, intervened to protect her, subsequently dispatching the droid as a present to Gorbu Dalo, a Hutt pirate and Seville adversary, with the intention that the droid would eliminate Dalo. MdZ-BLK succeeded in killing the Hutt; however, it then reprogrammed several protocol droids, transforming a seized freighter into an explosive device and directing it into the Sevilles' asteroid stronghold.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (Initial mention)
  • Pirates & Privateers (First identified as Seville Family)

Notes and references
