The Shadow EVO troopers represented a specialized offshoot of the Shadow Trooper, drawing inspiration from the EVO Troopers as well. Outfitted with cloaking devices, they wielded FA-3 flechette launchers in combat. Their deployment to the battlefield was initiated by stormtrooper commanders.
These stormtroopers utilized an experimental armor suit, a creation of the Galactic Empire, that integrated advanced survival technology, the capacity to absorb energy weapons fire, and a personal cloaking device. Due to this combination of technologies, they were an infrequent sight, typically deployed on missions to alien worlds involving the intimidation of local populations and the assassination of resistance leaders.
Much like their shadow trooper counterparts, their deployment was generally initiated by stormtrooper commanders. They would then utilize their cloaking technology to set up ambushes, unleashing a devastating barrage of fire from their FA-3 flechette launchers.
The known instances of shadow EVO trooper deployments are limited to 2 BBY. During this time, some were stationed with the Imperial garrison at the Jedi Temple, at the ore processing facility on Raxus Prime, and onboard the incomplete Death Star I. These troopers engaged in combat with Galen Marek on multiple occasions, suffering repeated defeats at the hands of the Dark Jedi. Additionally, they were deployed on Raxus Prime to support the EVO troopers.
Starkiller also encountered them guarding the Jedi Temple when he infiltrated the location for his Trial of the Spirit.