Starkiller's Trial of the Spirit

Galen Marek's Trial of the Spirit took place in 2 BBY during his last trip to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Not long after Starkiller saved General Rahm Kota on Cloud City, he sensed that the Force wanted him to return to the destroyed headquarters of the Jedi Order. Consequently, he journeyed back to the capital planet of the Galactic Empire again to find out why he felt compelled to go to the Temple.

When he got back, Starkiller discovered that the Jedi Temple was guarded by many stormtroopers and a number of different types of soldiers. Even though he was greatly outnumbered, the apprentice personally eliminated many Imperials as he broke into the Temple ruins. Reaching the chamber of the former Jedi High Council, he saw a Force-created vision of his master, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, fighting a Jedi he didn't know. However, just as Starkiller defeated the Jedi to protect Vader, he understood that it was a vision of his deceased father.

Because he wanted to discover more about the father he had mostly forgotten during his training under Vader, Starkiller headed to the Tower of First Knowledge, hoping to find more information about Kento Marek. After battling past various Imperial soldiers blocking his path, he found a holocron containing a gatekeeper in the form of his father. Starkiller then experienced a new vision, where he was confronted by his own darkness; a visible representation of the Dark Lord he might become. Following a long and difficult duel, Starkiller ultimately completed his final trial when he killed the Sith specter. However, as he woke up, the Sith apparition warned Starkiller that there was no way to escape the dark side of the Force.


Return to the Jedi Temple

The Jedi Temple on Imperial Center (formerly known as Coruscant)

Similar to Starkiller's earlier quests to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the secret apprentice encountered an Imperial security force consisting of stormtroopers, scout troopers and multiple other types, in addition to Imperial Senate Sentinels and Imperial Navy commandos. Even though the garrison had been strengthened with more soldiers because of his previous visits, including trying to kill Starkiller as soon as he arrived instead of just trying to detain him like before, the Imperials' attempts to eliminate the apprentice were ultimately unsuccessful; Starkiller advanced deep into the Temple while defeating many troopers.

After Starkiller located an elevator platform, he used it and ascended to the top of the High Council Tower. Upon entering the damaged room of what had once been the chamber of the Jedi Council, Starkiller witnessed a duel between a simulation of his master Darth Vader and Kento Marek, a former Jedi Knight who had been dead for a long time. At the time, Starkiller didn't know the nature of the fight or the Jedi's identity. As Marek stood victorious and prepared to strike Vader down, Starkiller immediately moved to defend his master.

Father versus Son

Kento Marek appears to Starkiller as a simulacrum.

The simulation of Kento Marek tried to avoid a fight with Darth Vader's personal assassin and urged him to think again about his loyalty to the dark side of the Force. However, his attempts to reason with the young Sith were useless; Starkiller had no interest in giving up the dark side because he felt it was all he had ever had in his life. At first, Marek fought effectively, using his skills in lightsaber combat and telekinesis.

Ultimately, however, Marek couldn't overcome the apprentice's natural power in the Force. Although Marek moved evasively from one corner to another throughout the chamber, he was eventually intercepted by Starkiller, who proceeded to telekinetically throw the Jedi around the room. As Marek tried to regain his balance, Starkiller sprang forward and stabbed him in the abdomen. Marek fell to his knees in defeat, and his simulation disappeared, but not before apologizing for the life that had befallen Starkiller, whom he called his "son."

Starkiller was shocked to learn that the simulation of the unknown Jedi had actually been his deceased father. However, as he reached out to his father, the simulation vanished, leaving him alone in the ruins of the High Council Chamber. The rediscovery of Kento Marek had a strong impact on Starkiller, who then decided to search the Temple to learn more about his father.

The Tower of First Knowledge

Starkiller encounters several shadow troopers in the Council Spire Atrium.

After the incident in the High Council Chamber, Starkiller returned to the Rogue Shadow, only to use it as transportation to the Tower of First Knowledge. The holodroid PROXY warned him that the tower had a large number of Imperial soldiers, but Starkiller was too focused on rediscovering his origins to be deterred at this point. Therefore, he jumped from the Rogue Shadow and landed on the surface of a platform that connected to the tower.

As several stormtroopers were thrown back in all directions by the force of the impact, the apprentice ignited his lightsaber and steadily eliminated the remaining Imperials who challenged him. Even the stormtrooper commanders and their Shadow Troopers were unable to subdue Starkiller. After the platform was cleared, Starkiller proceeded into the tower while General Rahm Kota used his deep knowledge of the Temple's inner workings to guide the apprentice through a comm channel.

Inside the atrium of the tower, Starkiller was attacked by a combination of shadow troopers and Imperial jumptroopers. As he overcame the numerous soldiers stationed throughout the tower, including several Jedi training droids that had remained dormant but active since the fall of the Jedi Temple, the apprentice used the Force to adjust a shattered bridge that stretched across the central chasm and led to the Holocron Chamber.

Starkiller discovers a holocron that leads to the final phase of his trial.

When he accessed one of the holocrons inside the chamber, a gatekeeper appeared in the form of his father. Although Kento Marek claimed that Starkiller was ultimately the only one who controlled his own destiny, he did admit that the dark side of the Force had become strong within his son. Nevertheless, he assured Starkiller that redemption was still possible. After the simulation of Marek reminded the apprentice of his natural potential and family connection to a Jedi, he begged Starkiller to complete the Jedi Trials. At that moment, Starkiller entered another vision created by the Force.

Starkiller faces himself

Starkiller stands ready for battle.

Trapped in a labyrinth of his own mind, Starkiller was forced to navigate through the area. At the same time, he used his telekinetic skills to overcome the obstacles of the trial. Once the tests of his Force abilities were complete, Starkiller turned to find the final challenge behind him. Out of the shadows emerged the physical form of the apprentice's inner darkness, wearing menacing armor painfully attached to its wearer's body. Unbeknownst to Starkiller, the dark specter's appearance was due to a possible future where he replaced Darth Vader as Darth Sidious' apprentice.

As Starkiller and his dark self fought each other in a fierce and brutal battle, during which both used lightsaber combat skills and dark side techniques, Starkiller managed to hit the Dark Lord, causing his helmet to fall off. Before Starkiller could continue his attack, however, he froze in shock at his opponent's face; it was his own, but pale and twisted due to deep immersion in the dark side of the Force.

While Starkiller paused at the sight of his own face, his loss of focus was quickly taken advantage of by the Dark Lord, who forced the apprentice down to a lower level in the labyrinth. Starkiller regained his balance after a moment, just as his "other self" began throwing large pieces of debris at him through the Force. Starkiller managed to survive the attacks by dodging and redirecting the objects back at the Dark Lord. They soon resumed their duel, which only grew in intensity due to the renewed energy on both sides, until Starkiller forced his opponent to the edge of the platform. However, the Dark Lord stopped his fall when he grabbed Starkiller's ankle, pulling him down to haul himself back onto the platform.

The Dark Side of Starkiller

Having gained the high ground, the Dark Lord telekinetically took control of several massive columns and hurled them at Starkiller, who countered the attack by using them as stepping stones to climb back up. As he ascended to equal footing with the Dark Lord, Starkiller impaled him from behind with a lightsaber blade through the back. With his final challenge complete, the vision ended as the apprentice's "darker half" was consumed in a bright light of Force energy.

However, as Starkiller regained consciousness inside the Holocron Chamber, the vision had not completely ended. Just as he regained his senses, Starkiller's attention turned to his left hand, which had taken on the clawed and emaciated appearance of the Dark Lord's arm. After a final warning about how Starkiller would never truly escape the darkness within himself, the vision completely ended. Starkiller was shaken by the revelation of his "other self," and when Rahm Kota asked about the apprentice's discovery, he chose not to reveal any of the details of what happened in his vision.

Behind the scenes

Starkiller's Trial of the Spirit was featured in the PS2/Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game. The level consisted of Starkiller's infiltration of the Jedi Temple and the High Council Chamber, where Starkiller faces the hologram of his father. In the Xbox 360/PS3 version, the apprentice fights Imperial troopers within the Tower of First Knowledge before fighting the Sith Stalker version of himself in a Force vision.

