The Second Mission to the Jedi Temple was a task given to Starkiller. Its purpose was to finalize his training so he could confront several Jedi.
After Starkiller had assassinated the insane Jedi Master known as Kazdan Paratus on the planet Raxus Prime, Darth Vader instructed his apprentice to return to the Jedi Temple. This was done to get him ready for his next mission.
Upon landing again on the Imperial landing platform, which had been constructed on the steps leading to the Temple's entrance, Starkiller eliminated the stormtroopers who were guarding the area. Security had been significantly increased since his previous visit (an Imperial Senate Sentinel even attempted to apprehend Starkiller before being killed). He then proceeded once more towards the Jedi Archives. After navigating through the archives, Starkiller was compelled to forge his own path to the Jedi beacon room. This was due to the extensive wreckage blocking the main hall surrounding the archives. After taking out the Imperials guarding the entrance, Marek finally entered the expansive archives.
Even though Darth Sidious had commanded that the library be protected during Operation: Knightfall, the Jedi defending the four main sections of the Archives had collapsed the ceiling in the central atrium, along with some of the archive's wings.
Within one of these damaged wings, Starkiller encountered a manifestation of the ancient Sith Lord known as Darth Phobos. This hologram was a part of the Jedi Trials, designed to present potential Sith adversaries to Padawans nearing knighthood. Her holocron had been activated by Starkiller's presence, unleashing the spectral form of the long-dead Sith Lady. As they engaged in lightsaber combat, Phobos frequently altered her appearance to resemble people Starkiller cared about, such as Captain Juno Eclipse, believing it would weaken him. However, the young Sith apprentice remained unaffected by the illusion and fought the Sith apparition fiercely. He hurled busts and holobooks at his opponent. Starkiller eventually forced the Sith illusionist through four bookcases, and used telekinesis to slam her against the walls and ceiling after she attempted to throw her saber at him. Wounded, Phobos tried to use her disguise again to avoid defeat. But Starkiller, not deceived by the image, stabbed Phobos in the back. Her image fading away signaled the end of the Trial.
Immediately after the duel concluded, PROXY, Marek's holodroid companion, arrived with instructions from Darth Vader. Starkiller then departed the Temple again to begin his hunt for Jedi Master Shaak Ti. PROXY then expressed his dislike for acting as Vader's messenger, while Marek considered the possibility of becoming Vader himself.
This particular mission is only accessible in the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Wii iterations of The Force Unleashed. In the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 versions, Starkiller proceeds directly to Felucia following the events on Raxus Prime.