The Shadow Hand Fleet represented a fleet that demonstrated allegiance to the Dark Empire, tasked with the execution of Operation Shadow Hand directed against the New Republic.
Emperor Palpatine initially conceived the "Shadow Hand Strategy" while awaiting the Alliance Fleet's arrival above Endor in 4 ABY; this strategy necessitated the involvement of significant military resources from the former Galactic Empire, including a massive naval force to ensure its successful implementation. In accordance with this strategy, the warships engaged in the operation dispersed from the Deep Core in successive waves, proceeding to conquer nearby planetary systems. Despite initially establishing territorial gains within New Republic space, the campaign eventually lost momentum following the final demise of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, leading to the remaining vessels being incorporated into the forces of various Imperial warlords.
- Six World Devastators
- A minimum of one Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer
- Imperial II-class Star Destroyers such as the Avenger
- Two Eclipse-class dreadnoughts: Eclipse and Eclipse II
- At least four Allegiance-class battlecruisers, including the Allegiance
- A minimum of one Bellator-class dreadnought
- A minimum of one Procursator-class Star Destroyer
- A minimum of one Modular taskforce cruiser
- A minimum of one MB-C1 medium transport