
Shal'mak, hailing from Shaum Hii, was a prosperous Kian'thar. She was married to a derlac herder and was also a fanatical crime boss within the Black Sun.


Shal'mak's family tree is filled with a history of crime lords. She took over her position from her uncle, who had gotten it from his second cousin. Later on, she handed down the title of Vigo to her son, Kreet'ah.

Shal'mak had natural empathic powers, which were helpful in her illegal operations, making her a formidable enemy. The Black Sun primarily used Shal'mak for tasks like money laundering and various financial dealings. During an assignment on Ralltiir, the Black Sun instructed Shal'mak to retake the fortress of Alexi Garyn, which had been taken over by a local criminal organization. Shal'mak also served under the command of Prince Xizor.

