Siolo Ur Manka

Siolo Ur Manka, alternatively spelled Siolo'urmanka in the Twi'leki language, was a male Twi'lek who achieved the rank of Jedi Master. He dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in the era preceding the Invasion of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY. Revered as a Jedi hero on his native world of Ryloth, Master Manka chose to retire from his active role within the Jedi Order, but was ultimately slain by Darth Maul, a Sith apprentice.


Siolo Ur Manka, a Force-sensitive Twi'lek hailing from the planet Ryloth, spent his formative years at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. There, he underwent education in the ways of the Force under the tutelage of the Jedi Order. Rising to the esteemed position of Jedi Master, Siolo Ur Manka became a celebrated warrior on his home world, earning considerable respect and admiration from his people. After many years of devoted service, Master Manka made the decision to leave the Coruscant Temple permanently, retiring from his active duties within the Order. He then journeyed to the Jentares system where he lived in seclusion for over seventy years.

During his time in isolation, Master Manka distanced himself from the affairs of the galaxy, dedicating his time to meditating on the Force. Having left his lightsaber behind at the Jedi Temple, Master Manka fashioned a simple staff from wood, which he then imbued with the Force, enhancing its strength and resilience against attacks. At some point prior to 32 BBY, Master Manka's solitary existence was disrupted by the arrival of a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith apprentice at his secluded dwelling. This dark warrior engaged the Jedi Master with a crimson-bladed lightsaber, but Master Manka effortlessly deflected the weapon with his staff. In response, the Zabrak strategically withdrew and constructed a double-bladed lightsaber with the intention of catching the Jedi off guard. Upon returning to the hermitage, the Sith assassin launched a surprise attack, activating the second blade of his weapon only when he was within striking distance of the Master. This tactic proved successful, resulting in Master Manka's death from a fatal blow to the back.

Powers and abilities

Manka demonstrated great skill with the wooden staff he created, easily overpowering Darth Maul during their initial confrontation. Throughout both duels, he either evaded Maul's attacks or channeled the Force into his staff, imbued with the Force, enabling him to effectively parry the blows without the staff being destroyed. His first name, Siolo, translates to 'poet' in the Twi'leki language.

