The sistermoon was a pale moon which was one of nine of the planet Endor in the Outer Moddell systems' Endor system, located in the Moddell subsector of the Inner Zuma Region, which was in turn part of the Outer Rim Territories' Zuma sector.
The Ewoks of the Forest Moon of Endor considered it a sister to their own world, hence the name. At times on Endor, the sistermoon became visible on the horizon, and the moon's light was able to shine through the Forest Moon's clouds. At one point during the late afternoon, the Ewok Teebo noticed a mantigrue—a type of flying creature—silhouetted against the large moon.
The sistermoon appeared in the 1984 young-readers book The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense, written by Joe Johnston. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Endor system, and therefore the sistermoon, in grid square H-16.