The Sith war sword functioned as a close-quarters combat weapon utilized by Sith and their followers during the period of the Dark Wars. Its appearance, resembling a double-edged staff, might have served as a precursor to the double-bladed lightsabers favored by numerous Sith combatants.

Following the downfall of the ancient Sith Empire, most Sith chose to wield lightsabers in battle, although some maintained a preference for the older Sith war swords. Sith warriors employed these swords because they enjoyed the sensation of solid metal slicing through flesh. They were constructed using cortosis-weave metal in their forging process.
Furthermore, around the time when the Dark Jedi Exiles encountered the original Sith on the planet Korriban, a Dark Jedi/Sith Lord named Ajunta Pall used a Sith War Sword to decapitate the previous Sith King.
A different variant of the Sith war sword also existed, taking the form of a more conventional-looking sword rather than a double-bladed weapon. Instead of cortosis, the blade underwent treatment with Sith alchemy to achieve resistance to lightsabers. This alchemically enhanced Sith weapon could not only withstand lightsaber strikes but also deflect and redirect blaster fire in a manner similar to lightsabers.
The intention was for the Sith war sword to be featured in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, but it was ultimately cut from the game's final release. However, because the weapon remained present within the game's files, it was still obtainable through the use of cheat codes.