Siyanna Kaelish

Siyanna Kaelish, a Lady, existed as a female being during the Galactic Civil War era.

Behind the scenes

Randomly generated depictions of Lady Siyanna Kaelish, including one male depiction deemed non-canon in Legends

In the Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided MMORPG, which LucasArts released and Sony Online Entertainment created, Lady Siyanna Kaelish functioned as a non-player character. This video game from 2003 was shut down on December 15, 2011.

Kaelish's appearance was determined randomly from three possibilities due to her spawning with the standard "entertainer" template. She could have been depicted as a Human female, a male Twi'lek, or a female Twi'lek. Despite the quest text referring to Kaelish as female, her true species remains ambiguous within the Star Wars Legends canon.

