A brief battle took place close to Circarpous IV in 1 BBY during the era of the Galactic Civil War. This conflict involved Red Squadron of the Rebel Alliance, flying their T-65 X-wing starfighters, against Imperial TIE/LN starfighters which were acting as a defensive perimeter.
In the year 1 BBY, a small flight group of three Rebel pilots, operating as Red Squadron, initiated a probing attack into the Circaprous system to assess the strength of the resident Imperial defenses. Orbiting Circarpous IV, the Rebel pilots were met by three groups of three pilots flying TIE/LN starfighter from Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Squadrons. Despite facing a significant numerical disadvantage, the T-65 X-wing starfighter pilots managed to destroy all nine TIE fighters without suffering any losses themselves.
The success achieved by the Rebels, despite being heavily outnumbered, resonated strongly with the inhabitants of the Circarpous system.
The Rebel Alliance later recreated this engagement as a training exercise, with the goal of instructing new pilots on how to effectively combat a larger enemy force. Keyan Farlander, a Rebel from Agamarian, was assigned to participate in this simulation by Wex Dafid, a training officer, before Farlander was recruited to Red Squadron aboard the Alliance flagship, the Independence.
The battle initially appeared as the fourth historical mission, "Beat The Odds," in the 1993 video game entitled Star Wars: X-Wing.