The Skyclaw, along with the Raptor, belonged to Mazzic, a smuggler, and was a Preybird-class starfighter manufactured by SoroSuub. This particular starfighter was identifiable by its unique blue bird of prey artwork, contrasting with the red design of its counterpart, the Raptor](/article/raptor_(preybird)). Mazzic frequently employed these sizable and imposing vessels to intimidate adversaries and safeguard his smuggling operations in perilous circumstances.
Prior to 0 BBY, a Skyclaw served within the Mistryl Shadow Guard squadron, under the command of Manda D'ulin. Shada D'ukal, who later became Mazzic's protector and supposedly helped him obtain the Preybirds, was also a member of this group. It's probable that the smuggler's Skyclaw is the same starfighter.