Skyhook (Kashyyyk)

The Kashyyyk skyhook, a project of the Galactic Empire, was erected in the orbit of Kashyyyk around 2 BBY. Wookiee slaves were forced to build it. Eight tractor pins secured it to the planet. The skyhook's function was to transport Wookiee slaves to Imperial starships in orbit. From there, the Wookiees were distributed across the galaxy to various Imperial construction sites, such as the first Death Star. Ozzik Sturn, a human Captain within the Imperial Military, supervised the entire construction process.

In 2 BBY, Princess Leia Organa charged Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice, with the skyhook's destruction. He succeeded, eliminating Sturn and liberating the enslaved Wookiees. Starkiller noted, though, that the Wookiees left on Kashyyyk anticipated its reconstruction.

