Ozzik Sturn

Ozzik Sturn, a male Human and a dedicated Imperial captain, also pursued big game hunting with zeal. Leveraging familial influence, Sturn swiftly ascended through the military's hierarchy. During assignments on diverse worlds, he indulged in hunting indigenous fauna, collecting their heads as prized possessions. Sturn yearned for the chance to pursue a fugitive Jedi during the Great Jedi Purge, but this aspiration went unfulfilled. Instead, he was appointed as Chief Magistrate of Malastare, situated in the Mid Rim.

No longer content with merely hunting animals, Sturn began releasing sentient prisoners into a specially designed hunting ground, where he tracked and killed them. This act sparked outrage among the native Dugs and Grans of Malastare, leading to the captain's reassignment to Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiee species. His new task involved overseeing the construction of a massive skyhook in orbit, utilizing Wookiee slaves. There, he extended his hunting activities to include the native Wookiees, even incorporating their pelts into his attire. Furthermore, he maintained a personal trophy room showcasing the heads of animals he had slain.

In 2 BBY, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan found herself on Kashyyyk, a pawn in a scheme orchestrated by Emperor Palpatine to dissuade her father, Senator Bail Organa, from rebelling against the Empire. Sturn threatened Leia with death in a staged Wookiee uprising should Senator Organa choose to rebel. Jedi Master Rahm Kota, a supporter of Senator Organa who had previously spearheaded a brief rebellion against the Empire months prior, became aware of Leia's predicament. He then dispatched Galen Marek—"Starkiller," the clandestine apprentice of Darth Vader—to rescue her from Kashyyyk. Subsequently, Leia tasked Marek with destroying the skyhook. This situation presented Sturn with the opportunity he had long awaited: to hunt a man he believed to be a Jedi. While Starkiller was occupied with disengaging the tractor pins that secured the skyhook to the planet, Sturn engaged him in his customized AT-KT in an attempt to kill him. However, Starkiller destroyed the AT-KT and killed the captain, moments before obliterating the skyhook itself.


Early career

Sturn "welcomes" Princess Leia to Kashyyyk.

Born into a family of affluent big game hunters, Ozzik Sturn, a male Human, utilized his family's influence to join the Imperial Military, where he rapidly climbed the ranks. His assignments to various worlds allowed him to continue his family's tradition of hunting the galaxy's most exotic and wild animals, often keeping their heads as trophies. However, as he advanced in rank, Sturn's assignments left him with less time for hunting. During the Great Jedi Purge led by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, Sturn yearned for the chance to hunt down a fugitive Jedi.

Instead, Sturn was reassigned to various outposts in the Outer Rim Territories, which frustrated him. Eventually, he was appointed as Chief Magistrate on Malastare, located in the Mid Rim. There, he could hunt again, but he had grown tired of hunting non-sentient animals. Instead, he had political prisoners released into a private hunting reserve, where he stalked and killed them. Despite being hidden, the hunting reserve was eventually discovered by the planet's native Dugs and Grans. Outraged, they revolted against Imperial rule, resulting in high casualties for the Empire. As a result, Sturn was transferred to Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees; a year later, the Empire had still not regained control of Malastare's population.

Supervisor on Kashyyyk

Sturn, in his customized AT-KT, confronts Starkiller.

While stationed on Kashyyyk, Captain Sturn oversaw the construction of a skyhook intended to transport Wookiee slaves across the galaxy for use in Imperial construction projects, including the first Death Star. On Kashyyyk, Sturn hunted Wookiees, adorning his uniform with their pelts and braids. His personal quarters included a trophy room displaying the heads of various creatures, including a reek, an acklay, a nexu, a wampa, a tauntaun, a krayt dragon, and a Gorax, among others. One wall featured a Gungan encased in carbonite.

By 2 BBY, resistance against the Empire was growing. Bail Organa, senator of Alderaan in the Imperial Senate and viceroy of the House of Organa, was among several senators advocating for change. Organa, along with Senators Mon Mothma of Chandrila and Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia, were planning a rebellion, but hesitated to act directly. Aware of the dissent, the Emperor sent Princess Leia Organa, Bail's adopted daughter, to Kashyyyk as a "senatorial observer," but in reality, she was a hostage to deter her father from rebelling.

The princess arrived on Kashyyyk aboard a Lambda-class shuttle, escorted by the Emperor's Royal Guards. Sturn greeted her upon arrival, but Organa knew the true reason for her visit. Sturn assured her that as long as her father remained loyal, she would be safe. However, should he rebel, Sturn would have her executed and blame her death on a Wookiee uprising. Sturn then confined Organa and her astromech droid R2-D2 to his quarters.

Upon learning of his daughter's imprisonment, Bail Organa enlisted the help of Jedi Master Rahm Kota, who had previously led his militia in the capture of a TIE Fighter Construction Facility above Nar Shaddaa months earlier. Kota assigned the rescue mission to Starkiller, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader who had defeated Kota and his militia at the construction facility. Starkiller had been secretly tasked by his master with uniting the rebellious elements so the Empire could crush them, with instructions to do whatever it took, including seeking out Kota, gaining the trust of rebel leaders, and eliminating any Imperials.

Starkiller landed on Kashyyyk and found Organa in Sturn's quarters, but she refused to leave until the skyhook was destroyed and the Wookiees were freed. Starkiller fought his way to the skyhook's mooring structure, removing the tractor pins that anchored it, cutting down any stormtroopers, scout troopers, jumptroopers, or purge troopers in his path. Before all the pins were removed, Sturn arrived in his personal AT-KT and engaged the man he believed to be a Jedi, finally fulfilling his desire to hunt one. Using his lightsaber and the Force, Starkiller destroyed the AT-KT and killed Sturn, before destroying the skyhook.

With Sturn and most of the Imperial forces dead, the Wookiees celebrated. Princess Organa returned to her father unharmed, and Starkiller convinced Senators Organa, Mothma, and Bel Iblis to sign the Corellian Treaty, officially forming the Alliance to Restore the Republic after a series of confrontations with the Empire.

Personality and traits

Ozzik Sturn was an arrogant commander who believed he could easily defeat a Jedi with any available means. Rahm Kota even described him as a madman. This arrogance led to his downfall, as Starkiller destroyed his AT-KT and killed him. Born into a family of big game hunters, Sturn continued the tradition. However, hunting non-sentient creatures was no longer enough; he transitioned to hunting sentients while serving as Chief Magistrate on Malastare. This desire to hunt prisoners led to a revolt against the Empire, but Sturn remained an Imperial officer. Transferred to Kashyyyk, he began hunting the native Wookiees, despite being assigned to oversee their enslavement. He proudly wore a Wookiee pelt and braids of hair on his uniform.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Ozzik Sturn

Ozzik Sturn was created for the video game The Force Unleashed, as an Imperial officer was needed as a final level boss, reminiscent of the cold and determined Imperial characters from the original trilogy. From the beginning, Sturn was envisioned as a cold-hearted and merciless speciesist. Early ideas considered making him more supernatural, such as shape-shifting. Later concepts focused on him being a ruthless killer; while his final appearance features only a Wookiee pelt on his uniform, earlier concept art included trophies, animal skins, or leather boots.

Sturn first appeared in the 2008 novelization of The Force Unleashed. In the game, he was voiced and portrayed by Tom Kane. Sturn was briefly mentioned in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

In the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of The Force Unleashed, Sturn wears a white uniform similar to those worn by Imperial Grand Admirals or Imperial Security Bureau officers like Wullf Yularen, despite being a captain. His rank badge also appears to indicate a rank of colonel, major, or even general, according to the Imperial Sourcebook.

In the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Wii versions of The Force Unleashed, Sturn wears an AT-ST pilot uniform with his Wookiee pelt. In this version, Starkiller impales Sturn with his lightsaber after he emerges from his destroyed AT-KT. In the Nintendo DS version, Sturn pilots an AT-RT instead of an AT-KT. In the cell phone version, the Imperial commander on Kashyyyk wears a standard uniform, carries a lightwhip, but is not identified as Sturn.

In the N-Gage and iPhone/iPod Touch versions of the game, Starkiller rescues Organa from a group of stormtroopers in the forest. Organa, concerned about the enslaved population, sends Starkiller to liberate Wookiees from a nearby prison. After freeing the slaves, Starkiller faces Sturn, wielding an electrostaff, inside the prison. Sturn is also supported by two AT-STs. Starkiller pushes the AT-STs out of the prison and closes the doors. When Sturn attacks with the electrostaff, Starkiller kills him with Force lightning.

Sturn, as depicted in the PS2/PSP/Wii version of The Force Unleashed

