Imperial Army vehicle crewers, also known as Imperial Army pilots, functioned as the Galactic Empire's essential support staff. Their responsibilities included the operation and upkeep of diverse vehicles, such as the AT-AT and AT-ST, within the ranks of the Imperial Army.
While generally unarmed, Imperial Army pilots occasionally found themselves equipped with standard-issue weaponry, particularly senior NCOs or officers. This could include a BlasTech SE-14r light repeating blaster, Thermal detonators, Concussion grenades and possibly even a Merr-Sonn V-6d mortar launcher.
Typically, Imperial Army pilots abstained from wearing armor, relying on the protection afforded by Imperial vehicles. However, higher-ranking NCOs and commissioned officers frequently donned protective armor during combat scenarios. A prime example is General Maximilian Veers during the Battle of Hoth. They were assigned a number of vehicles, including AT-ATs and AT-STs.
The pilot ranks were divided into, at a minimum, two distinct branches: Heavy Armor and Armored Cavalry.
Selected from the ranks of seasoned combat troopers, the Heavy Armor division of the Vehicle Command Crewers, also known as AT-AT pilots, were specialized soldiers with training focused on piloting the All Terrain Armored Transport or other heavy armors. They employed blatant "shock" tactics, engaging the enemy in plain sight after traversing considerable distances from their initial landing zones. The widespread perception of the AT-AT as virtually invincible during combat fostered a similar belief of invincibility among AT-AT pilots.

AT-AT drivers typically operated in pairs, bearing responsibility for a comprehensive range of tasks. These included navigating the massive walkers across diverse terrains, operating the AT-AT's formidable heavy laser cannons, and executing directives issued by the combat coordinator, who also occupied the cockpit.
Navigating the walkers across challenging terrain presented a significant hurdle. To ensure the selection of the most capable pilots for these colossal war machines, extensive hours were dedicated to simulation tests and related instruction. The armored cockpits and commanding vantage points on the battlefield reinforced the pilots' sense of importance, fostering a belief in their invincibility. This inflated ego often manifested as arrogance in their interactions with infantry personnel. The combat coordinator, also stationed on the AT-AT's bridge, provided them with orders.
The appearance of AT-AT pilots closely mirrored that of Imperial TIE pilots, albeit with a color scheme reminiscent of the Phase II clone pilot attire. This consisted of a light grey flight suit complete with webbing, complemented by white gloves, boots, and helmet. The boots and overall suit featured insulation, and even armor, although the armor was deemed unnecessary by the Galactic Civil War. The helmet was reinforced and adorned with the Imperial Army emblem on both sides. Despite the pressurized environment within an AT-AT cockpit, operators at the controls of an AT-AT utilized life support gear to ensure survival in the event of a hull breach in a hostile environment, as well as out of respect for their combat history. The helmets connected directly to the vehicle's computer, enabling effortless monitoring of vital systems. A computer on their chest armor regulated the suit and helmet's temperature, with adjustable heat settings. The life support system also incorporated an identity chip and an energy monitor, connecting to the helmet via pressurized air hoses. The suit also contained gear harnesses. The survival pack worn by these pilots was an advanced design which enabled the suit systems and heater to run off a single power pack via maximum output for up to five days without requiring a recharge. They wore driving gauntlets with a comlink on the left wrist for communication. These pilots were usually armed with a blaster pistol and grenades. An insulated variant of the uniform was also available for missions requiring traversal of frozen terrain, such as on Hoth, as the AT-ATs themselves lacked climate control.
Like all AT-AT crews, the pilots lived and worked in their machines over much of each mission. They were typically involved in the maintenance of the walkers, reinforcing the theory that the crew was an extension of the walker and vice versa.
- Maximilian Veers
- Nevar
- Nyrox
- An Imperial Army pilot serving under Orlok
- Another Imperial Army pilot
AT-AT Imperial swimmer pilots were AT-AT drivers with special training to operate AT-AT swimmers, deploying them on aquatic worlds. During the Genocide on Dac in 137 ABY, they served Darth Krayt's Sith Empire under his command. Their uniforms closely resembled those of standard AT-AT pilots from a century prior, with the primary distinctions being the black color of the Swimmer pilot jumpsuits, rather than white, and the absence of Imperial insignia on their armor. They were not known to use any weapons. Only one was needed to pilot each swimmer.

The Armored Cavalry division of the Vehicle Command Crewers, known as AT-ST pilots, were responsible for operating AT-STs and other armored cavalry vehicles. Their training emphasized an exceptional sense of balance and terrain awareness, essential due to the All Terrain Scout Transport's inherent bipedal instability compared to the quadrupedal AT-AT. This role was exclusively assigned to the most accomplished Imperial recruits.
Their attire consisted of black boots with black soles and a gray jumpsuit featuring pockets. The helmet was open-faced, secured with a chinstrap. Goggles, attached to the back of the helmet by a strap, were also part of the uniform, along with long black gauntlets. The Imperial emblem, rendered in black, adorned both shoulder portions of the jumpsuit. They carried concussion grenades, a blaster pistol, a blaster rifle, emergency flares, spare ammunition, a comlink, and two thermal detonators, coded with blank keys to prevent enemy exploitation. In contrast to the Heavy Armor crewers, the Armored Cavalry wore lightweight battle dress. The overall uniform bore resemblance to that of the Imperial Army trooper.
AT-PT pilots were the operators within the All Terrain Personal Transport. Their training also emphasized an exceptional sense of balance and terrain awareness. Despite the protection afforded by the AT-PT's armor, they still wore armor as a precaution against vehicle destruction. They carried standard Imperial sidearm pistols, blaster rifles, and grenades.
In Star Wars: Battlefront II, the AT-AT pilot is incorrectly identified as an "Imperial engineer" on Hoth. In a Star Wars Miniatures pack, Imperial Entanglements, the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing pilot's appearance is identical to that of the AT-AT pilot, diverging from its usual colors.
The Imperial Sourcebook designates the crewmen of ground assault vehicles as Imperial Army Assault Trooper. It specifies that they undergo training in the operation of diverse ground assault vehicles and wear the Army trooper gray uniform with partial body armor. However, the AT-ST crew observed in Return of the Jedi do not wear field armor, while the AT-AT crew in The Empire Strikes Back sport a distinct uniform.