Serving on Dac during 137 ABY amid Darth Krayt's war against the Mon Calamari, this nameless Imperial officer was a pilot of an Imperial swimmer within the Imperial Army. He was present when one of the Mon Calamari betrayed the Empire, enabling the Galactic Alliance Remnant to abscond with an Imperial star destroyer from the orbital shipyards. As the personal swimmer pilot for both Darth Azard and the Sith scientist Vul Isen, his life ended when a Mon Calamari pilot intentionally crashed their Krakana fighter into the swimmer's deployment hatch, resulting in its destruction, though Azard and Vul Isen survived.
Having undergone training to operate Imperial swimmers within the ranks of the Imperial Army, the lieutenant found himself serving the Sith under Darth Krayt after the Galactic Empire split into two factions: the Sith Empire and the Fel Empire.
In response to a Mon Calamari's act of assisting the Galactic Alliance Remnant in the theft of an Advanced Star Destroyer from the orbital shipyards in 137 ABY, Darth Krayt issued an order for the extermination and imprisonment of all Mon Calamari throughout the galaxy. As the genocide of the Mon Cal began on the planet Dac, an aquatic unit of the Imperial Army, under the command of Darth Azard, was dispatched. When [Vul Isen](/article/vul_isen], a Sith scientist, engineered the Sea Leviathan to be used against the Mon Calamari Rangers and Mon Calamari refugees, he and Darth Azard personally guided the Leviathan to the ranger/refugee base in an Imperial swimmer, with the lieutenant at the controls.
During an assault by the Rangers and their Imperial Knight military advisor, the decision was made to deploy Shark underwater fighters from the swimmer. This required lowering the shields around the deployment hatch. A Mon Calamari pilot, flying a Krakana underwater fighter, executed a suicide attack, ramming the open deployment hatch and obliterating the swimmer. The swimmer's head detached and settled on the seabed. While the scientist and Lord Azard survived, the lieutenant was found slumped over the controls; whether he perished on impact or later when Vul Isen shattered the cockpit's glass window, flooding it and drowning him, remains uncertain.
The lieutenant held his Sith superiors in high regard, demonstrating caution when he reminded them that the deployment of the Sharks necessitated lowering the hatch shielding, thereby exposing the swimmer to potential attack. His concerns proved valid when a Mon Calamari fighter rammed the deployment hatch, destroying the swimmer.
Fight Another Day, a story arc within Legacy, marks the sole appearance of the Imperial lieutenant.