Slique Brighteyes

title: Slique Brighteyes

Slique Brighteyes, a Gulmarid hailing from Gulma, miraculously survived the horrific acts perpetrated by the Imperial extermination ship named Azgoghk. He was a native of that world.


During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Slique Brighteyes, along with his fellow Gulmarids, enjoyed a peaceful existence on Gulma until the planet faced invasion and subsequent subjugation by the forces of the Galactic Empire. This occurred a few months before the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. The Empire systematically extracted all available natural resources from Gulma, rendering the planet a desolate wasteland. Following this, they began the forced relocation of the planet's Gulmarid population to the Imperial starship known as the Azgoghk. Initially, the Gulmarids believed they were being transported off-world for resettlement. However, Brighteyes and his people soon uncovered the sinister truth behind the Empire's intentions in transferring their species to the Azgoghk. The Azgoghk was, in reality, one of three Imperial extermination ships commissioned by the genocidal Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta. Her mission was to eliminate Non-huMan species throughout the Outer Rim Territories and establish a purely Human governance over the galaxy in accordance with the principles of Human High Culture. Thus, the Empire embarked on a deliberate and systematic campaign to exterminate the Gulmarids.

Life aboard the Azgoghk was brutal for the Gulmarids, as it was for other captive species. They were subjected to frequent abuse and torment at the hands of the stormtroopers. Those Gulmarids deemed weak, sick, or feeble were callously executed by disintegration within the ship's ionization chambers. Brighteyes was tragically separated from his family members, who met their end in these chambers. Brighteyes and the remaining survivors were forced into labor, tasked with disposing of the deceased Gulmarids by incinerating their bodies in the Azgoghk's fusion reactors. While most of the surviving Gulmarid slaves endured appalling living conditions under the command of the Humanocentric Admiral Mir Tork, others were subjected to horrific experiments conducted by the science officer Leonis Murthé. Despite the horrors, Brighteyes and many others eventually managed to escape the Azgoghk and found refuge on the planet Basteel. There, he rose to become the spokesman for the Gulmarid refugees, determined to bring an end to the Azgoghk's reign of terror.

In 11 ABY, Brighteyes gathered one hundred credits, representing the entire wealth of the surviving Gulmarids, and used it to post a bounty on Tork and Murthé. However, every bounty hunters hired by the Gulmarids failed to successfully board the massive, fortress-like extermination ship. Seeing the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett as his last chance, Brighteyes hired him to assassinate the fanatical Admiral Tork and his sadistic second-in-command, Murthé. Fett initially scoffed at the offer, deeming it an insult to his reputation due to the meager payment. Brighteyes then reminded Fett of the fear and respect his name once commanded, before his defeat by Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Carkoon. Appealing to Fett's sense of honor and justice, Brighteyes convinced the Mandalorian bounty hunter to accept the offer as a means of redeeming his tarnished career. Fett tracked the Azgoghk to the Outer Rim Territories and attacked the ship above Malicar 3. In the ensuing battle, Fett freed the Non-huMan prisoners held on the Azgoghk, instigated a revolt against the Imperial troops, and successfully eliminated his targets. With the Azgoghk disabled, Fett returned to Brighteyes on Basteel, presenting the severed heads of Tork and Murthé as proof of his success. Having completed his mission, Fett received his payment. Slique Brighteyes, having outlived his Imperial tormentors, was finally able to find peace.

