During the Galactic Civil War, a male Human known as Sol Windtide made his home in the Tatooine city of Bestine. This period coincided with the era of the Galactic Civil War. Windtide maintained a friendship with a Jedi called Nos'lyn. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Windtide encountered one of Nos'lyn's apprentices, a Force-sensitive individual with aspirations of becoming a Jedi. Throughout their training, Windtide presented the trainee with several gifts, one of which was a training lightsaber formerly used by Nos'lyn.
In the Galactic Civil War era, a male Human named Sol Windtide lived in the city of Bestine on Tatooine, a world in the Outer Rim Territories under Imperial-controlled rule and serving as a capital. He was a friend to Nos'lyn, a Human Jedi based at Tansarii Point Station, a space station located in the Bright Jewel system.
Following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Han Solo, the celebrated hero of the Rebel Alliance, introduced Nos'lyn to a Force-sensitive individual. Nos'lyn decided to train this person in the ways of the Force. As part of their instruction, Nos'lyn dispatched the aspiring Jedi to a village on Tatooine, the site of a terrible massacre committed by Anakin Skywalker against a Tusken Raiders tribe. The village was deserted, save for some aggressive creatures warped by the dark side of the Force that roamed the area. Nos'lyn tasked his trainee with cleansing the area by ending the creatures' suffering, but without hatred. Upon completion, Nos'lyn praised his student and directed them to Sol Windtide to receive a gift of credits and a plasma shield generator.
However, this wasn't Windtide's last interaction with the Force-sensitive individual. For the next phase of training, Nos'lyn instructed his pupil to go to the Crystal Cave on Naboo. There, the aspiring Jedi battled fierce Narglatch creatures and obtained a raw crystal for use in a lightsaber. Once the crystal was secured, Nos'lyn's pupil returned it to Sol Windtide in Bestine. Windtide remarked that the Force-sensitive appeared very "centered." He inquired if they had found what they sought. When the pupil confirmed the acquisition of a suitable crystal, Windtide presented them with a training lightsaber that had once belonged to Nos'lyn. Windtide also took the unrefined crystal and gave the Force-sensitive a tuned, green colored lightsaber crystal in return. Windtide advised the Force-sensitive that the lightsaber would serve them well, but to exercise caution in its use.

During his time in Bestine, Windtide wore a white shirt with black trim, along with white dress slacks. His attire was completed with white uniform gloves, a gray belt, and white boots. Nos'lyn had also entrusted Windtide with a plasma shield generator and his first lightsaber, both of which were gifted to Nos'lyn's pupil. The cylindrical hilt of Nos'lyn's lightsaber bore a strong resemblance to the one used for Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber.
Sol Windtide appeared as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from 2003 developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The New Game Enhancements of Publish 25's release on November 15, 2005, introduced a New Player Tutorial set on Tansarii Point Station to the game. Players choosing the Jedi profession could receive initial quests from an NPC named Nos'lyn. In one of these quests, "First Steps: Anger and Harmony," Nos'lyn directed the player to Sol Windtide in Bestine to receive their reward, including 5000 credits and a plasma shield generator. During a subsequent quest, "Searching for a Jedi's Weapon," players were again sent by Nos'lyn to Sol Windtide for a reward consisting of a green color crystal and a training lightsaber. When interacting with Windtide, players could choose an arrogant, dark sided response upon their initial introduction, although this choice did not affect the quest's overall progression.