A male Human Jedi by the name of Nos'lyn successfully evaded the horrific events of the Great Jedi Purge. His whereabouts in 1 ABY placed him in hiding at the location known as the Tansarii Point Station.
While residing at the station, Nos'lyn encountered several young individuals who demonstrated sensitivity to the Force. He tasked these Force-sensitive individuals with challenges designed to enhance their connection to it. One particular challenge involved pacifying an irate Car'das guard, who was grieving over the death of his sister. A young aspirant, seeking to walk the path of a light side Jedi, skillfully persuaded the guard that violence would be futile, leading only to further pain and suffering. Upon successfully completing these tasks, Nos'lyn gifted the individuals with some aged Padawan robes and an Auric bracelet. Another youngling, harboring malicious intent, attempted to incite the guard to seek violent retribution, which resulted in a reprimand from Nos'lyn.

Later, after the Jedi hopefuls had undergone some training and found a lightsaber crystal, he would reach out to each of them in order to provide instruction in the ways of the Living Force. He instructed the individual to journey into the deserts of Tatooine and meditate at a Force oasis. The power of the light side of the Force permeated the location, so strongly that even the local fauna could sense it. Immediately after the individual completed this, Nos'lyn informed them of a ruined Tusken village, filled with a nearly tangible sense of anger. He explained that no one had returned to live there, and instructed them to visit it. Upon the Jedi hopeful's arrival at the village, Nos'lyn communicated with them again through the Force, revealing that a deep act of anger had occurred there years prior, causing the dark side to corrupt the local wildlife. He tasked the Jedi hopeful with ending the animals' suffering, but without anger in their hearts. Once the Jedi hopeful performed these tasks, Nos'lyn contacted them once more and informed them that they did well and that he was hopeful that they saw the significance of what the Force can do. Their next task was to travel to Bestine to acquire a gift from Sol Windtide, an old friend of Nos'lyn, that he had left for the hopeful: 5,000 credits and a plasma shield generator.
Subsequently, Nos'lyn contacted the individual again, after they had undergone further training and obtained a Jedi artifact. This time, he informed the hopeful that it was time for them to acquire the weapon of a Jedi, their first training lightsaber. The prospective Jedi was instructed to venture into a cave on the planet Naboo in order to locate a lightsaber crystal. The cave was teeming with Narglatch, but the supplicant persevered and extracted three crystals from the glowing crystalline formations within. Unfortunately the individual was informed by Nos'lyn that none of these crystals were for them, and that they should search their feelings to find their own crystal. Once the Jedi hopeful found this crystal, they were contacted once again by Nos'lyn, who told them to keep it safe and hidden as they would need to tune it before it could be used in their lightsaber. He then informed them to return to Bestine and meet with Sol Windtide who would give them their lightsaber.
At a later time, an agent from the ISB sought out Nos'lyn, requesting his assistance. The agent required a Krayt dragon pearl to be polished for a prototype asteroid-moving superweapon. Nos'lyn was located in a secluded area of the station, on a lower level, and initially declined the request. When the agent threatened him with a blaster, Nos'lyn attempted to use Force Persuade, but his attempt failed. He activated his lightsaber, preparing to defend himself, but the agent had anticipated this and found a way to inflict pain upon him. In exchange for an end to the torture, Nos'lyn agreed to the task and spent the next several days polishing the pearl, under the agent's watchful eye. After the task was finished the agent departed; he was more interested in the superweapon than hunting down Jedi, he didn't bother to report about Nos'lyn to his superiors.
Nos'lyn was featured as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Nos'lyn's inclusion in the game was part of the "New Player Tutorial", which was introduced with the release of "Publish 25", also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005. His purpose was to provide training to players choosing the Jedi class.