The gambling network controlled and operated by the Aleena crime lord named Sollima was known as Sollima's gambling network. This network encompassed casinos across various planets, including Simbarc, but its centerpiece was the Hollow Moon. This gambling-centric world, situated within the Hutt-controlled Khorya system of the Outer Rim Territories, offered a wide array of gambling activities, spanning from sabacc games to gladiator arenas.
For a considerable number of years, the Galactic Empire had designs on seizing control of Sollima's gambling network, however they were hesitant to provoke a major conflict within Hutt Space. As an initial step, the Empire obtained Sollima's accounting droid with the intention of leveraging the information contained within against Sollima. Subsequently, the Empire tasked scoundrels Han Solo and Billal Batross with the mission of infiltrating the Moon and deactivating its security systems, promising them freedom from imprisonment in return. Following the successful completion of this assignment, the Galactic Empire assumed command of the world, leading to Sollima's capture and the dissolution of his organization.