Simbarc was a planet used for mining and situated within the Outer Rim Territories inside the Cadma sector. Famous for both its rich ore deposits and a number of well-known casinos, it was at a casino on this planet that the smuggler known as Han Solo was discovered cheating around 1 BBY. The security personnel from the casino gave chase to Solo along with his partner, Chewbacca, in a high-speed speeder pursuit. Ultimately, the two smugglers managed to make their escape to the hangar where their starship was waiting.
However, upon arrival, the pair were apprehended by crime lord Sollima, to whom they were in debt. The gangster then compelled Solo to team up with Billal Batross, an associate of his, for a mission that involved retrieving Sollima's droid from the Imperial world known as Moog Mot VI. Meanwhile, Sollima transported Chewbacca, now a captive, to the Hollow Moon, a gambling space station where he would be forced to participate in gladiatorial combat.
Within the Simbarc system, which is a component of the Cadma sector located in the Slice area of the Outer Rim Territories, was the terrestrial planet known for mining, Simbarc. It was strategically positioned on the Cadma Conduit hyperlane, providing connections to the Dagelin Minor system, the Oseon system within the Centrality sector, and the Junkfort system found in the Tharin sector.
The planet was abundant in ore deposits, and its dangerous terrain was characterized by towering rock formations linked by elevated roadways used by both landspeeder traffic and pedestrians. Simbarc's cool climate necessitated that at least a pair of visiting Humans wear warm parkas.

Around 1 BBY, the smugglers, Han Solo and Chewbacca, made a visit to Simbarc's Dakata spaceport. It was there that Solo attempted to settle the debt they owed to the crime lord, Sollima, by cheating at sabacc in the local casino. However, Solo's cheating was discovered by the security team of the casino, leading to Solo and Chewbacca's escape on a landspeeder while being pursued by the security team in an airborne repulsorcraft.
While Solo tried to ward off their pursuers using his blaster pistol, one of the security guards, secured to their vehicle, jumped onto the smugglers' speeder. The chase came to an end when Chewbacca drove the landspeeder off the edge of the pillar they were traveling on, causing the vehicle to crash onto a lower, rocky platform. As the security team began firing with their blaster rifles, Solo and Chewbacca—who were in the midst of an argument about the amount of trouble they were getting into—were compelled to retreat to the spaceport hangar where their light freighter, the Millennium Falcon, was parked.

However, Sollima and his subordinates were already present at the hangar, leading to their capture and Solo being tortured. Sollima then coerced Solo into undertaking a task for him: to travel to Moog Mot VI, a banking world under the control of the Galactic Empire in the Tharin sector, and retrieve the accounting droid that the Empire had supposedly stolen from the crime lord. In actuality, the droid had been sold to the Empire by Billal Batross, a former thieving associate of Solo who had also become indebted to Sollima, and was being held there.
To ensure that the pair would not simply escape after being released, Sollima held Chewbacca as a hostage. However, because Solo still required a copilot for the mission, he was partnered with Batross. Following their release, Solo and Batross departed from Simbarc aboard the Millennium Falcon to carry out their mission. Simultaneously, Sollima and his entourage left on their own starship, taking Chewbacca with them as a prisoner. The ship then traveled to the Hollow Moon, a Hutt Space space station operated by Sollima and dedicated to gambling, where the gangster planned to have Chewbacca engage in a series of gladiatorial death matches.
The security force at the Dakata spaceport's casino included members of various species, including a Bothan, who spoke Galactic Basic Standard.
Simbarc made its first appearance in Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya, which served as the debut installment in Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars Adventures series of graphic novellas. Jeremy Barlow wrote Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya, Rick Lacy provided the pencils, and it was published on April 29, 2009. The Essential Atlas, a reference book released on August 18, 2009, placed the Simbarc system, and consequently the planet itself, in grid square T-8.