Sora served as a pilot and a member of the 4th Squad of the Alliance Military, led by Corporal Jobin.
Sora, alongside his fellow soldiers, was stationed at Echo Station 5-7. Not long after the battle commenced, the soldiers noticed stormtroopers and an All Terrain Scout Transport were assaulting the ion cannon located near the South Entrance. Jobin instructed Sora and Grond to move around the enemy force, while Jobin, Roj, and another Rebel directly engaged them. They successfully destroyed the AT-ST and eliminated the stormtroopers. The Rebels managed to reclaim the ion cannon, but Grond and the other Rebel lost their lives. The Rebels then fired the cannon, disabling an Imperial Star Destroyer, which enabled Rebel transports to flee.
Sora, Grond, and Jobin withdrew towards the hangars of Echo Base, with the hope of finding a shuttle for evacuation. Inside one hangar, they encountered Darth Vader along with a group of stormtroopers. The Rebels then retreated to another hangar, where they found a Y-wing. As Sora readied the ship for departure, Jobin was shot while boarding. Roj then returned to help him. However, Jobin instructed them to leave and entrusted Roj with a holorecording intended for his mother, Mon Mothma. Shortly after Roj and Sora escaped, Darth Vader killed him. The message would not reach Mon Mothma until six months later, during the Rebel briefing on Home One prior to the Battle of Endor.