
A Human male named Jobin held the corporal rank within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's military. Furthermore, he was the son of Mon Mothma, a key founder of the Alliance, and the brother of Lieda Mothma. By the time 3 ABY arrived, during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Jobin found himself stationed at Echo Base located on the planet of Hoth. He played a role in setting up the base's defensive lines and was put in charge of 4th Squad.

In 3 ABY, when it became clear that the Empire had discovered Echo Base and was preparing to attack, Jobin commenced recording a hologram message addressed to his mother, which he completed just as the initial Imperial walkers came into view. During the ensuing battle, Jobin's attention was drawn to Imperial forces advancing towards the base's ion cannon, a critical asset for ensuring a successful evacuation. He spearheaded a group of troopers, including Grond, Sora, Roj, along with another trooper, in an effort to reclaim the cannon. Despite losing two of his comrades, Jobin successfully overcame the occupying snowtroopers and activated the ion cannon, thus safeguarding one of the last departing transports.

Afterwards, Jobin and the remaining members of his team attempted to reach a transport but were intercepted by the Sith Lord Darth Vader accompanied by a number of snowtroopers. As the group attempted to escape, Jobin sustained injuries. He refused assistance from his comrade, instead entrusting him with his recorded message and attempting to delay Vader. The Sith then used the Force to levitate Jobin, demanding the location of the Rebel rendezvous point. Jobin's refusal was emphasized by spitting in Vader's face, which led to his immediate execution. His message, along with the news of his demise, did not reach his mother until almost a year later, shortly before the Battle of Endor.


Early life and Hoth deployment

Jobin was the son of Mon Mothma (pictured)

A Human male, Jobin belonged to the Mothma family, being the son of Mon Mothma, a Chandrilan senator, and an unnamed male individual. His family also included a sister, Lieda Mothma, and his grandparents, Tanis Mothma, the governor of Hanna City on Chandrila, and her spouse, who served as a Republic arbiter-general. Jobin became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the organization his mother founded to oppose the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. By the time 3 ABY arrived, Jobin had achieved the rank of corporal within the Alliance Military and was stationed with the ground forces at Echo Base on the icy planet of Hoth.

Despite being the youngest noncommissioned officer in his battalion, Major Bren Derlin reassigned Jobin to lead 4th Squad. While Jobin found the transition challenging, he was encouraged by his new comrades, many of whom were battle-hardened veterans of conflicts like Yavin and Daluuj, who welcomed the Alliance's newer recruits. Jobin's squad devoted a significant amount of time to establishing Echo Base's perimeter defenses. In 3 ABY, Captain Han Solo discovered and destroyed an Imperial Viper probe droid near the base, which alerted the Rebels to an impending attack and prompted them to initiate evacuation protocols.

Jobin shortly before the Battle of Hoth

While positioned in the trenches at Echo Station 5-7 awaiting the attack, Jobin began recording a hologram message for his mother, disregarding his battalion commander's orders against communicating with family. He chose to ignore these orders, feeling he could not delay any longer. In his message, he described his experiences with his squad and the harsh conditions on Hoth. He kept the planet's identity secret, only mentioning the extreme cold temperature that necessitated modifications to their airspeeders and the domestication of local tauntauns for exploration. Jobin also acknowledged Solo's encounter with the probe droid and expressed his readiness for the approaching Imperial Army. Furthermore, he reflected on his personal beliefs and role, including his fear of losing himself in the war and his conviction that he was making a difference by fighting for the Rebel Alliance. As Imperial All Terrain Armored Transports approached Echo Station 3-T-8, Jobin concluded his message by sending his love and best wishes to his mother, father, and Lieda.

The Battle of Hoth

The troops stationed at Echo Station 5-7 were attacked by Imperial walkers, which prompted Jobin to call for air support over his comlink. Modified snowspeeders quickly arrived to provide assistance. After requesting a corpsman to tend to a wounded soldier, one of his comrades pointed out an Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport and several snowtroopers advancing towards Echo Base's ion cannon, which was vital for disabling the approaching Imperial Star Destroyers and ensuring the safe evacuation of Rebel transports. Jobin attempted to contact the cannon's control center via comlink, but discovered it had already been seized by snowtroopers. He then ordered four other troopers - Roj, Sora, Grond, and another trooper - to follow him, while instructing Jielu to remain and defend the south entrance. As they approached the ion cannon, Jobin instructed Grond and Sora to circle around Echo Base's entrance and await his signal to attack. The corporal, Roj, and the other trooper came under fire from the AT-ST but managed to find cover, causing the walker to target Grond and Sora, diverting its attention from Jobin. This allowed the corporal to hurl an explosive package at the AT-ST, destroying it.

Jobin escapes the clutches of a snowtrooper.

Jobin and his team of five stealthily moved to retake the control center from the occupying snowtroopers, knowing that any further transports would be unable to escape without an active ion cannon. The corporal ordered his team to open fire on the snowtroopers from the control center's entrance, hitting several of them, but one of the Rebel troopers was killed by the returning fire. Another trooper grabbed a comlink to announce that Imperial troops had breached the base but was immediately gunned down. Jobin lunged for the ion cannon's control panel and was caught in a chokehold by one of the snowtroopers. To break free, Jobin snapped a nearby icicle and plunged it into the snowtrooper's eye, allowing him to activate the ion cannon and disable an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. His actions enabled some of the last Rebel transports to escape Hoth. While Jobin looked on in horror at one of his fallen comrades, one of the two survivors informed him that they had initiated the cannon's self-destruct sequence and that the group needed to evacuate. Jobin began to move out, hoping to reach one of the final evacuating transports in Hangar Bay 7.


Darth Vader used the Force to execute Jobin

As the three troopers advanced, they encountered several snowtroopers and the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had just witnessed the departure of the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon. Vader ordered his soldiers to capture the rebels, who evaded their blasterfire as Jobin ordered them to get to Hangar Ten. While the hangar contained a BTL Y-wing starfighter, Jobin was struck by blasterfire on his left side just as the rebels approached it. One of the troopers cried out and attempted to return to the corporal, but Jobin ordered them to escape, handing over his pre-recorded hologram so that his mother could receive it. As the starfighter escaped, Jobin drew a Relby-k23 blaster pistol and fired at the snowtroopers to give his companions more time to escape. He managed to kill one of them while Vader blocked his subsequent shots with the Force until Jobin's blaster was empty. Using the Force to lift Jobin into the air, Vader demanded that he reveal the location of the Rebel rendezvous point, promising mercy in exchange for his cooperation. Jobin refused and spat in Vader's face, telling him to use his mercy elsewhere. In response, Vader telekinetically snapped Jobin's neck.

Mon Mothma remained unaware of Jobin's fate until nearly a year later, when she received Jobin's hologram while aboard the Star Cruiser Home One. She wondered why the message had taken so long to reach her, and as it finished playing, General Crix Madine entered Mothma's quarters to inform her that the Alliance members aboard the cruiser were ready for her briefing. Mothma inquired if there had been any news about Jobin, and Madine confirmed that he had been killed at the Battle of Hoth. The ensuing briefing set the stage for the Battle of Endor, which resulted in the deaths of Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

Personality and traits

Jobin destroys an AT-ST during the Battle of Hoth

Jobin was a staunch supporter of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and had faith in the significance of his actions. He went against his commander's orders to send a recording to his mother, correctly anticipating that he would not have another opportunity. He observed that the military veterans in his squad, despite their tough exteriors, were afraid of the future and death. Jobin hoped that his squad's combat skills would be sufficient to allow them to fight instinctively without being hampered by thought. In his recording to his mother, he also expressed concerns about losing his morality, which he feared more than his physical death. He recognized that he would need to commit atrocities and adapt to survive, but he also focused on the greater good he wanted to achieve rather than his personal sacrifices, including those he could not keep alive.

Jobin believed that many beings viewed their lives as a series of choices that they would reflect on and evaluate. However, he was confident that when his death came, he would be proud and content with his decisions, particularly his involvement in the Rebel Alliance. He felt that he had given his life purpose and meaning by striving to make a difference for the galaxy. After being shot by snowtroopers, Jobin instructed his comrades to leave him behind so that they could escape, only ensuring his message for his mother was delivered. He openly defied Darth Vader, who, showing no patience, quickly killed him. Jobin had light skin, black eyes, and black hair.

Skills and abilities

Jobin received training as a Rebel soldier and attained the rank of corporal in the Alliance Army. During the Battle of Hoth, he destroyed an AT-ST by throwing an explosive package onto it. While being held in a chokehold by a snowtrooper, Jobin demonstrated resourcefulness by using an icicle to stab his assailant in the eye, freeing himself.


On Hoth, Jobin wore Alliance Cold Weather armor, which included a tan vest, thick white coverings on his limbs, and a cap with adjustable goggles. He also wore a red sash around his headgear and carried a personal hologram to record messages. Before the Battle of Hoth began, Jobin was seen drinking a warm beverage from a cup. In battle, he was armed with an A295 blaster rifle, a Relby-k23 blaster pistol, and an explosive package.

Behind the scenes

Jobin was introduced by the comic "Entrenched," which was collected in the anthology Star Wars Visionaries (cover pictured).

Jobin's character was conceived for the short comic story "Entrenched," which appeared in the graphic novel anthology Star Wars: Visionaries. The comic was penned by Alex Jaeger and M. Zachary Sherman, with illustrations by Jaeger. Jobin was initially mentioned indirectly in a preview of Visionaries published on on March 15, 2005, prior to the release of the graphic novel by Dark Horse Comics on April 2, 2005.

Author Pablo Hidalgo discussed Jobin in response to a fan inquiry about Lieda Mothma in the "Ask the Master" section of Star Wars Insider magazine's 82nd issue, which was first sent to subscribers on May 17, 2005. At the time, Hidalgo confirmed Jobin's sibling relationship to Lieda but noted that the identity of their father was unknown, as well as whether either of them shared their mother's surname. However, Lieda's full name was later canonically confirmed within the Star Wars Legends continuity through Jobin's entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in 2008. The Encyclopedia also stated that Jobin reported on the presence of Imperial forces within Echo Base. However, in "Entrenched," it is a different trooper who announces that the base has been penetrated before being killed by snowtroopers.

