Soshinyday blobball

The soshinyday blobball, often shortened to just blobball, was a type of foodstuff originating from Naboo. The ancient Gungans held it in high regard as a delicacy, even though it possessed a rather offensive smell. By the time of the Fall of the Republic, the blobball had become exceedingly scarce. Boss Rugor Nass, who hadn't encountered a blobball since his childhood, tasked Jar Jar Binks with a perilous mission to locate one. Unfortunately, he only referred to it as "magic," causing Binks to mistakenly assume he was searching for a valuable artifact instead of a scarce edible item. After enduring numerous hazards alongside Padmé Amidala, the Queen of Naboo, Binks was disheartened to witness Boss Nass consuming what proved to be a "bombad snack."

