Speedy was the moniker given to a Sullustan pilot who flew for the Rebel Alliance. He served on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser called the Independence during the era of the Galactic Civil War. His fellow pilots referred to him as Speedy because they struggled to pronounce his actual Sullustan name.
In the year 1 BBY, Speedy concluded his training and began active service, successfully accomplishing a pair of missions not long after Operation Strike Fear. The Sullustan was present in the pilot's lounge of the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser during a discussion amongst Red Squadron pilots regarding their preferred Imperial targets, where Speedy expressed his particular aversion to Assault Gunboats. A cultural gap existed between the Sullustan pilot and Red Squadron, as his fellow Rebel pilots did not comprehend his jokes or his references to scarns.
Regardless, Speedy rejoined the company of Red Squadron's pilots in 0 BBY after undergoing specialized reconnaissance training due to his innate Sullustan navigational abilities. He witnessed Keyan Farlander's attempt to utilize a Force mind trick on Samuel Raider and the recruitment of inexperienced pilots like Casal Marskan with promises of power through the Force. Following Marskan's death, Speedy, along with Raider and Marskan's brother, developed a deep distrust and hatred for Farlander, thereby isolating him from the rest of the pilots.