
Spermatozoa constituted a form of gamete participating in the procreation processes of particular lifeforms, frequently uniting with egg cells in this process. Across numerous lifeforms, men generated spermatozoa, while women generated egg cells; conversely, certain lifeforms possessed the capability to generate both spermatozoa and egg cells within a single organism. Consider, as an example, the silicon-structured shadow barnacle native to the world of Coruscant, which discharged both egg seeds and sperm pollen into the surrounding air for reproductive purposes.

Among the ghest race residing on the world of Rodia, females exhibited the capacity to procreate with a male or, alternatively, extract spermatozoa from a deceased male for self-insemination, ultimately resulting in the laying of fertilized eggs. The degree of bioengineering applied to the gra race, intended for cultivation by sapient entities, reached such an extent that gra spermatozoa and egg cells were commercialized in bulk quantities, accompanied by instructional guides.

