Spiced caf was a caf variant where spices were added to enrich the taste. The Oyu'baat cantina on Mandalore, situated in the planet's capital city of Keldabe, offered spiced caf to its patrons. This drink grew somewhat famous over time, even attracting the attention of individuals who were not Mandalorians, eventually becoming a well-liked offering on the menu.
While on Mandalore, Jax Pavan, the Jedi Knight concealing his identity, went to the Oyu'baat searching for details about the location of his captured friend. While awaiting his meeting with Black Sun lieutenant Tyno Fabris, he requested a cup of spiced caf.
The first appearance of spiced caf in Star Wars canon was in the novel The Last Jedi, a collaborative work by authors Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, released on February 26, 2013.