Squire Kinning was a Jedi Knight of the female persuasion. During the waning years of the Galactic Republic, she served the Jedi Order. Her service included involvement in the suppression of the Arkanian Revolution.
Squire Kinning, as a member of the Jedi Order, resided on Coruscant within the Jedi Temple. She became a Padawan under the tutelage of a Jedi Master from the Order. In the year 50 BBY, Kinning received orders to accompany Knight Mace Windu and Master Aqinos to Arkania to provide support in resolving the Arkanian Revolution that was unfolding on the planet.
While engaged in combat against the Arkanian Renegades, Kinning suffered the loss of a limb, specifically one of her arms, during the hostilities. Following this injury, she was transported back to the Temple to receive healing. After being fitted with a cybernetic arm, the Jedi High Council deliberated on Kinning's situation. Ultimately, the Council determined that her injury served as evidence of her successful completion of the Trial of the Flesh, one of the five trials required for her Knighthood. Continuing her dedication to the Order, she was an acquaintance of the young Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force (Initial mention)