Stacy was a pilot of an X-wing and a pilot for the Rebel Alliance under the command of General Carlist Rieekan during the era surrounding the Battle of Yavin. Soon after that battle, she developed an attraction to Han Solo and engaged in flirtatious behavior, which he reciprocated, primarily to irritate Princess Leia Organa.
Stacy's inclusion in the novel Allegiance served as a tribute to the main character of the Pink Five fan films, who is characterized by her infatuation with Han Solo and her antagonistic relationship with Leia.
Trey Stokes directed the initial film, which starred Amy Earhart as Stacy. Timothy Zahn, the author and a Pink Five enthusiast, featured Stacy in Allegiance as "a little nod to all the fan films in general, but focused on Pink Five."
Zahn's spelling of Stacy's name in the novel differed from Stokes's original intention ("Stacey"); however, Stokes pointed out that "it's never actually spelled in the films, not even in the credits, so it's not like there was any reference for Tim to work from."