Stalking onsonker

A supposedly mobile, carnivorous plant, the stalking onsonker was said to be a distinct species. Vilmarh Grahrk kept one of these creatures as a pet, calling it "Fluffy."

Grahrk asserted that he had used Fluffy's spores to infect Bobo. Vilmarh Grahrk stated that the offspring would develop inside Bobo's abdomen. Drawn by the aroma of her developing young, Fluffy located Bobo and consumed her to incubate the offspring within her.

The existence of such a creature was questioned by numerous individuals who were unfamiliar with it, casting doubt on its reality.

Behind the scenes

The accuracy of the species, characters, and occurrences detailed above is questionable, as they are solely mentioned in The Devaronian Version, a narrative recounted by the famously unreliable Vilmarh Grahrk.

