Star Warriors: A Star Wars Universe Starfighter Combat Experience is a role-playing boxed game created by Douglas Kaufman and released in October of 1987 by West End Games.
The game mechanics were subsequently modified for use during the climactic confrontation in Scavenger Hunt.
Star Warriors places players in the pilot's seat of iconic starfighters like TIE fighters and X-wings, as well as other spacecraft from the Star Wars galaxy. Players will evade, rotate, perform loops, adjust shields, avoid laser fire, and retaliate, pushing both their spacecraft and their abilities to their maximum potential as they engage in battles that will determine the destiny of the galaxy!
Within Star Warriors, players will discover:
- Specifications for TIE fighters, TIE interceptors, X-wings, A-wings, and all other significant _ Star Wars _ starfighters!
- Rules that are both comprehensive and simple to grasp, covering quick shots, sharp turns, and other maneuvers, enabling players to pilot starfighters with the same skill as Rebel pilots seen in the films!
- A range of rulesets: Standard, Advanced, and Optional, allowing players to select their desired degree of complexity!
- Standard Game Introduction What Does This Box Contain? Game Setup Instructions The Turn Structure Skill Ratings and Turn Order Strategic Planning Environmental Dangers The Marker Management Stage Determining Turn Order/Selecting Spacecraft Maneuvering Firing Weapons Damage Assessment Record Keeping
- Advanced Game Gunners Hex-Based Orientation R2 Units and Supplemental Energy Damage Mitigation Expanded Firing Arcs Enhanced Turn Order System Rotating Weapon Emplacements Victory Conditions
- Optional Rules Missiles, Torpedoes, and Bombs Capital Ships Asteroid Fields The Mystical Energy Field Targeting Systems and Electronic Countermeasures
- Scenarios Achieving Victory The Aerial Duel The Ground Strike The Escort Mission Capital Ships Asteroid Fields Assault on the Ultimate Weapon Utilizing Multiple Participants Acquiring Spacecraft Integrating Star Warriors with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game