Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt, a role-playing game module for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, was released by West End Games. Brad Freeman penned the adventure, which saw its initial publication in January of 1989.

Within this adventure module, a band of Rebel operatives are tasked with the retrieval of datapacks. These packs were seized by the Galactic Empire from the remains of a destroyed Rebel installation situated on Dankayo. As the mission unfolds, the Rebels are compelled to negotiate terms with Squibs and face off against hostile, garbage-worshipping Ugors. While exploring the shattered remnants of the Death Star, they discover Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber, a spare helmet and cape belonging to Darth Vader, and an erratic gravity well projector. Following conflicts with pirates dispatched by Jabba the Hutt and Ugorian combatants, they move to intercept the Imperial transport vessel, the Elusive, as it heads towards Coronar. The resulting confrontation leads to the unexpected formation of an artificial black hole.

Publisher's summary

Front cover

In the Paradise Sector, what one species considers waste, another sees as a valuable resource. But when this refuse triggers a perilous expedition across the galaxy, only a valiant team of Rebel heroes can safeguard the Alliance.

Back cover

An unexpected event occurred en route to an ambush…and now, the galaxy's most immense accumulation of refuse lies between a Rebel strike force and the destiny of clandestine Alliance supporters.

The Imperials have annihilated the Rebel base located on Dankayo, leaving nothing but ruins. These remnants have now been loaded onto a transport vessel destined for an Imperial research facility. Concealed within the debris are intact data banks containing the locations of every Rebel contact within this region of the galaxy. Should this information be uncovered, countless individuals will meet their demise!

A Rebel strike team has been assembled with orders to intercept the Imperial transport. The first challenge: determine the transport's destination to effectively set up an ambush along the correct hyperspace route. The second challenge: persuade the scavenging Squibs to assist with the first challenge. The Squibs possess knowledge of the ship's heading, but will only share this information in exchange for a service. A significant service…


  • Introduction
  • Episode One: Elusive Prey
  • Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise
  • Episode Three: That's No Moon...
  • Pullout Section Scavenger Hunt Adventure Script Typical Squib L9-G8 Teehl Elusive Spilfer Typical Ugor Bonderium King Ebareebaveebeedee
  • Episode Four: The Gravity-Well Projector
  • Episode Five: Paradise Unbound
  • Episode Six: Desperate Showdown
  • Imperial Lambda-Class Shuttle map
  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game Rules Upgrade
