A Slith illustration by Crane Stephen Crane served as both an author and illustrator for West End Games. Moreover, he conceived the Aurebesh writing system, a feature present in both the Expanded Universe and canon.
Star Wars Miniatures Battles
Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion
Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised
Lightsaber Dueling Pack
Battle for the Golden Sun
Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin
Scavenger Hunt
The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
Mission to Lianna
Classic Campaigns
Creatures of the Galaxy
The Last Command Sourcebook
The DarkStryder Campaign (Maps and Diagrams)
The Kathol Outback (Maps and Diagrams)
The Kathol Rift (Maps and Diagrams)
Instant Adventures
" The Black Sphere " · — No Disintegrations ·