Elusive (transport)

The ship known as the Elusive, an Imperial Armored Transport, was used to recover resources from what remained of the Rebel Alliance installation located on Dankayo. Following an assault by Rebel operatives aboard the shuttle Bonderium, the Elusive diverted from its initial destination of Coronar and instead headed for the Tolan Navy Yards.


Measuring 50 meters in length, the Elusive had a complement of 10 crew members and could transport 20 soldiers. Despite lacking deflector shields, its offensive capabilities included a pair of laser cannons along with four dual turbolaser emplacements. It was equipped with a class 2 hyperdrive. The vessel's cargo capacity allowed for the transport of at least 30,000 metric tons of goods, in addition to consumables sufficient for three months.

At some point during its journey from Dankayo to Tolan, the Elusive was retrofitted with an external mounting system capable of carrying six TIE/LN starfighters. Dono, a Squib slave who was secretly acting as an informant for his species, relayed the ship's location to the Squib Reclamation Fleet momship. These coordinates were subsequently exchanged with the Rebels that Elusive had fought previously. During a final confrontation with the Bonderium, the Rebel forces deployed an unstable gravity-well projector. This device imploded, creating an artificial black hole that engulfed and destroyed the Elusive.

Another transport vessel of the same type, named Timely, also participated in the salvage operation on Dankayo.

