
The world of Coronar served as a location for an Imperial Intelligence installation throughout the Galactic Civil War. Following the destruction of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's base on Dankayo by the Empire, various datapacks were salvaged from the wreckage. These were intended for examination on Coronar, being transported aboard the Imperial Armored Transport known as the Elusive, but Alliance operatives intercepted the transport, resulting in the Elusive's destruction.

Behind the scenes

While the Coronar base is often described as an Imperial Intelligence center in Scavenger Hunt, the adventure's introductory text states that the datapacks were headed for "an ISB research facility." As depicted in Scavenger Hunt, the clash between the Alliance shuttle Bonderium and the Imperial transport Elusive occurred in proximity to a striated gas giant planet. This planet featured multiple atmospheric features and at least one impact-cratered moon. However, given that the Rebels employed a gravity well projector to force the Elusive out of hyperspace before it arrived at its intended location, the system depicted may not be the same one in which Coronar resides.

