Star Wars: Complete Vehicles (2013)


The hardcover reference book, Star Wars: Complete Vehicles, was made available on July 29, 2013. This book, a DK Publishing release, is part of the Incredible Cross-Sections series and presents detailed internal views of almost every vehicle from both the original and prequel movie trilogies. Building upon the earlier Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections, itself a compilation of the four Cross-Sections books for each movie, Complete Vehicles introduces four brand new cross-sections. These include the 74-Z speeder bike, the X-34 landspeeder, the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate known as Redemption, and the MC80 Star Cruiser called Home One. The content that was in the older books was also expanded upon. Several vehicles that were smaller and didn't get their own pages in the previous editions were given dedicated pages. In addition, various pages were rearranged and reorganized to better fit the shorter height of this book when compared to the previous versions.

Publisher's summary

This expanded edition is a must-have for any Star Wars fan who wants to delve into the inner workings of the spaceships and vehicles from all six movies. It's a fan favorite that now includes new cross-section artworks and a plethora of new photos._

Star Wars: Complete Vehicles is filled with visual explorations of over fifty key Star Wars spacecraft and landcraft, such as the TIE bomber, Imperial shuttle, A-wing, B-wing, and many more. The full-color cross-section artwork provides in-depth analyses of each craft's weapon systems, engines, hyperdrives, cockpits, and construction secrets. This offers an unprecedented look at the vehicles that power the Star Wars universe. Star Wars: Complete Vehicles now includes new and previously unseen cross-sections!_


  • On pages 117 and 206, the word "Soulless" is written incorrectly as "Souless". Also, on page 117, the first paragraph makes the grammatical mistake of saying "an Utapaun P-38 fighter."
  • On page 121, Alaris Prime is wrongly identified as a moon orbiting Kashyyyk. In reality, it orbited the planet Alaris.
  • Within the Death Star cross-section, the labels for "Carrier beam crystal", "Main power generator", "Firing field amplifier", and "Static discharge tower" are misplaced and incorrectly positioned.




Entries shown in bold type indicate new additions or updates present in this version. It should be noted that some minor re-ordering of the Episodes III-VI ships was done in this edition to accommodate gate-folds.

  • Foreword
  • The Old Republic
  • The Galactic Empire
  • Technology
  • Episode I (originally from Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections) Republic Cruiser Dangerous Diplomacy Droid Invasion Forces Landing Ship MTT (Large Transport) Gungan Sub Exploring the Deep Gungan Technology Naboo Queen's Royal Starship Podracers The Boonta Eve Classic Podracing Rivals Sith Infiltrator Droid Starfighter Droid Control Ship Naboo N-1 Starfighter Defenders of Naboo STAP AAT (Battle Tank) Naboo Speeders Coruscant Taxi
  • Episode II (originally from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections) Naboo Cruiser Zam's Airspeeder Anakin's Airspeeder Coruscant Speeder Chase Jedi Starfighter Jedi Starships Weapon of a Bounty Hunter Jango Fett's Slave I Owen Lars's Swoop Bike Padmé's Starship Trade Federation Core Ship Geonosian Fighter Geonosian Technology Republic Assault Forces Republic Assault Ship Republic Gunship AT-TE LAAT/C Gunship Solar Sailers Dooku's Solar Sailer
  • Episode III (originally from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections) Star Destroyer—Venator Class V-wing ARC-170 Fighter Jedi Interceptor Hyperdrive Boosters Confederacy Buzz Droids Tri-Fighter Droid Gunship Juggernaut AT-RT Commerce Guild Support Destroyer Banking Clan Frigate Invisible Hand Utapaun P-38 Fighter Techno Union Ships Grievous's Starfighter (pg.117) Grievous's Wheel Bike Wookiee Catamaran Swamp Speeder Fit for an Emperor (p. 123 Palpatine's Shuttle Yoda's Escape Pods
  • Episodes IV—VI (originally from Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections) Blockade Runner Escape Pod Imperial Navy Star Destroyer Sandcrawler Luke's Landspeeder Millennium Falcon "What a Piece of Junk!" TIE Fighter Death Star T-65 X-wing The Battle of Yavin Y-wing: Rebel Workhorse BTL-A4 Y-wing TIE Advanced x1 AT-AT AT-AT Cockpit AT-ST Snowspeeder TIE Bomber TIE Interceptor Legacy of a Bounty Hunter Slave I Medical Frigate Home One Imperial Shuttle Jabba's Sail Barge Sailing the Dune Sea Fast and Dangerous Scout Speeder Bike A-wing Fighter B-wing Fighter
  • Data Files
  • Glossary
  • Richard Chasemore (swapped places with Jenssen)
  • Hans Jenssen (swapped places with Chasemore)
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements

