Star Wars: Empire Volume 5: Allies and Adversaries

Star Wars: Empire Volume 5: Allies and Adversaries is the fifth collected edition in a set of trade paperbacks. It compiles issues from the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. This volume, titled Allies and Adversaries, contains Star Wars: Empire issues 23 through 27.

Publisher's summary

In this collection, Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Clone Wars survivor who is a shipwrecked veteran. Meanwhile, Han Solo's interactions with a former love interest lead to trouble, and BoShek, known as the galaxy's second-best smuggler, finds himself caught in the crossfire between Rebels and Imperials. This compilation showcases some of the most surprising tales from the Empire era. Whether it involves BoShek transporting a seemingly harmless girl, Han undertaking a supply mission for the struggling Alliance, or Luke providing air support for a Rebel Intelligence squad on an apparently abandoned world, these missions begin as standard operations but quickly turn into something far from expected!

Collected issues


Notes and references

  • Star Wars: Empire Vol. 5 TPB on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link)
