Star Wars: Power of the Jedi

The Star Wars: Power of the Jedi collection of toys, manufactured by Hasbro, was available from 2000 through 2002. It showcased a wide array of characters and vehicles pulled from the Star Wars universe, spanning both the initial pair of prequels and the original trilogy.


A total of 57 figures were launched within this toy series, marking the debut of the "concept figure" idea, a theme that would be revisited in subsequent collections. The majority of these concept figures drew inspiration from the production sketches of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, although they weren't initially branded as such. While the line featured updated versions of characters from earlier releases, it also introduced brand new figures from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope that had never been available before. Many previously released characters were updated, resulting in figures with improved, more accurate sculpts, greater articulation, and fresh takes on familiar designs.

In the beginning of 2002, a special preview assortment featuring four action figures from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones was made available. Additionally, three unique twin figure sets were created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of A New Hope, depicting scenes taken directly from the movie. Most of the figures sold individually included a card from a collection known as the "Jedi Force File," which provided details regarding the character's stats, skills, weaponry, and vehicles.


The Jedi Force File included with the Jek Porkins action figure in this line is the first time we learn the name of his astromech droid from the Battle of Yavin, which is R5-D8. Furthermore, this series was the first to resolve two conflicting depictions of the Pacithhip species - one humanoid and one not - by suggesting that members of the species commonly use robotic stilts to give themselves a more humanoid appearance.

