Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Star Wars: The Complete Saga, a collection of all six Star Wars movies from the original trilogy and prequel trilogy, was released as a nine-disc box set on Blu-ray for the very first time. This set includes more than forty hours of supplemental material, featuring forty-five deleted and extended scenes from across all six films, many of which had never been seen before. Its initial release in North America occurred on September 16, 2011.

George Lucas initially revealed the existence of this set at Celebration V in August of 2010.

Extra Features

  • Disc Seven: Star Wars Archives: Episodes I–III This disc includes deleted scenes, extended scenes, alternate takes, prop showcases, maquette displays, costume rotations, matte paintings, concept artwork, additional interviews with the cast and crew, a tour of the Lucasfilm Archives, and much more.
  • Disc Eight: Star Wars Archives: Episodes IV–VI This disc includes deleted scenes, extended scenes, alternate takes, prop showcases, maquette displays, costume rotations, matte paintings, concept artwork, additional interviews with the cast and crew, and more content.
  • Disc Nine: The Star Wars Documentaries Star Warriors (2007, color, approximately 84 minutes) A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later (2010, color, approximately 25 minutes) Star Wars Spoofs (2011, color, approximately 91 minutes) The Making of Star Wars (1977, color, approximately 49 minutes) SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back (1980, color, approximately 48 minutes) Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983, color, approximately 48 minutes) Anatomy of a Dewback (1997, color, approximately 26 minutes) Star Wars Tech (2007, color, approximately 46 minutes)

Cut Content

The Blu-ray discs present a wealth of previously unreleased deleted scenes and early animated versions from each of the six films.

  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Trash Talking Droid The Battle is Over Anakin's Return Battle on the Boarding Ramp Extended Pod Race Wager Bail Organa of Alderaan
  • Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Extended Speeder Chase The Lost Twenty Anakin's Nightmare Anakin and Ruwee Raid on the Droid Control Ship and Extended Arena Fight
  • Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith Elevator Antics Escape through the Hangar Changes to the Constitution Utapau Chase Animatics Mustafar Duel Animatics Mustafar Duel/Lava River Animatics Kashyyyk and Order 66 Animatics Jedi Imposters at the Temple Senate Duel Animatics Yoda Communes with Qui-Gon Anakin Kills Shaak Ti
  • Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope Aunt Beru's Blue Milk Old Woman on Tatooine Tosche Station The Search for R2-D2 Stormtrooper Search Darth Vader Widens the Search Cantina Rough Cut Alternate Biggs and Luke Reunion
  • Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back Han and Leia: Extended Echo Base Argument Luke and Leia: Medical Center Deleted Wampa Scenes The Fate of General Veers Luke's Recovery Yoda's Test Hiding in the Asteroid Alternate Han and Leia Kiss Lobot's Capture Leia tends to Luke
  • Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi Vader's Arrival and Reaching out to Luke Tatooine Sandstorm Rebel Raid on Bunker Jerjerrod's Conflict Battle of Endor: Lost Rebels

Available Formats

Product Details


  • George Lucas Reveals Star Wars on Blu-Ray at Celebration V on (this link is no longer active; backup link provided)
  • The Star Wars Saga in Blu-Ray on (this link is no longer active; backup link provided)
  • The Pinnacle of Blu-ray: Remastering the Star Wars Saga for the HD Generation on (this link is no longer active; backup link provided)
  • The Complete Saga on Blu-ray on (this link is no longer active; backup link provided)
  • The Star Wars Saga to Be Preserved in Limited Edition Blu-Ray Steelbooks on (backup link provided)
  • Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition

