Star Wars: The Official Magazine 8

title: Star Wars: The Official Magazine 8

The eighth issue of Star Wars: The Official Magazine is Star Wars: The Official Magazine 8. It encompasses the months of June and July of 1997, and it consists of 66 pages.

Table of Contents

  • Experience the Force Get the scoop on the latest Star Wars news, plus another "prequels update" featuring Rick McCallum from Lucasfilm.
  • The Legend Continues We interview key personnel at ILM about the Special Editions of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
  • The Making of Star Wars Discover the origins of the special effects techniques created for the movie, along with the challenges encountered by the pioneering team at ILM.
  • Made Over A conversation with Stuart Freeborn, the renowned make-up artist who designed some of the most iconic alien characters in the original trilogy.
  • Dark Forces The PlayStation edition of Dark Forces stands as one of the most popular Star Wars video games ever released in the UK; our player's guide (complete with cheat codes) will assist you in overcoming any difficult sections!
  • Return of the Jedi Coverage of the royal premiere of the Star Wars Special Edition – including photos, quotes, and exclusive interviews with celebrities!
  • A Long Time Ago Travel back in time 20 years to the British premiere of the original Star Wars – what events transpired leading up to the debut of the highest-grossing film ever?
  • Armless Fun Anthony Daniels shares further recollections of his time portraying C-3PO in the original Star Wars film.
  • Star Wars Kits The first installment of our comprehensive merchandise guides – this time, a full catalog of Star Wars model kits.
  • Comic Strip: Shadow Stalker part two Following instructions from Darth Vader, Jix becomes an assassin on the planet Corulag.
  • Rogue Artist From a position at Forbidden Planet to a prominent role illustrating American Star Wars comics – the rapid ascent of Gary Erskine from Glasgow.
  • Jawas ' Corner A rundown of the newest Star Wars merchandise offerings available on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • Role-playing round up Based on popular request, reviews of the latest releases for West End Games' Star Wars role-playing game.
  • Comlink Share your thoughts on the Special Editions of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.
  • Q&A Answers to your questions about the Star Wars universe.

Additional Information
