Star Wars: The Official Magazine 7

Star Wars: The Official Magazine number 7 represents the seventh installment of the publication Star Wars: The Official Magazine, encompassing the months of April and May of 1997, and consists of 66 pages.

Table of Contents

  • Experience the Force The Star Wars Trilogy Edition has arrived! In addition, find news about the official UK Star Wars fan club, the New Hopes section, the newest merchandise information, and a "prequels" update featuring Rick McCallum from Lucasfilm.
  • The Legend Reborn An introduction to the Industrial Light & Magic crew responsible for the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition.
  • The Creation of Star Wars As George Lucas and Gary Kurtz push the limits of filmmaking, the environment becomes tense…
  • Star Wars at Elstree Paul Welsh reflects on Lucasfilm's unique connection with the studio where the Star Wars and Wikipedia:Indiana Jones movies were filmed.
  • Nuts and Bolts Nick Harrison recounts his experiences working on the Star Wars trilogy as a member of Elstree Studios' engineering department.
  • The Star Wars Stuntmen Peter Diamond explains how he and his team designed some of the most hazardous scenes in Star Wars.
  • A Glimpse of the Suns Anthony Daniels presents more of his personal memoirs.
  • Missing in Action The Star Wars Special Edition brings back a lot of previously unseen content to the restored version – but what about the scenes that were ultimately cut?
  • The Essential Guide to Alien Species: The Hutts An in-depth examination of the most notorious species within the Star Wars galaxy.
  • Comic Strip: Shadow Stalker part one Corellian scoundrel Jix is running behind schedule for a very risky meeting…
  • Second Trooper: To Live and Die on Tatooine Actress Shelagh Fraser shares her insights into portraying the doomed Aunt Beru in Star Wars.
  • Jawas ' Corner A review of the latest Star Wars products from both American and European markets.

Footnotes and Sources
