Issue number 33 of Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection, a bi-weekly magazine produced by De Agostini, presents a new installment. As with all issues, this one comes with a die-cast model for collectors and is an officially sanctioned source of Star Wars information, operating under the authority of Lucas Licensing and the LucasBooks publishing group.
- Model vehicle: Droid Control Ship
- Legendary Craft : Domination through Strategy: The Droid control ships
- Action Stations : Hard-Earned Experience: The Battle of Naboo
- Welcome On Board : Nute Gunray : A Puppet of Darth Sidious
- Starship & Vehicle Directory : Sheathipede-class shuttle : The Neimoidian Shuttle Explained
- In Command : Trade Federation droid control ship Management
- Droids, Aliens & Creatures : Rune Haako : Nute Gunray's pessimistic lieutenant Described
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away : Neimoidian worlds : A look at Neimoidia and the purse Worlds
- A Revolution In Film : Iain McCaig : The Conceptual designer spotlight
- Movie Magic : Droid control ship: From concept to the final screen version
- Did You Know?
- Star Wars A–Z (L—Loor, Kirtan, Lumiya)