Issue 35 of Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection represents the thirty-fifth installment of the bi-weekly magazine brought to you by De Agostini. Consistent with every release, it comes with a die-cast collectible model and functions as an officially sanctioned source of Star Wars knowledge, operating under the auspices of Lucas Licensing and the LucasBooks publishing group.
- Model vehicle: ARC-170 Starfighter
- Legendary Craft : The ARC-170 starfighter
- Action Stations : Self-sacrifice: Squad Seven engaged in action
- Welcome On Board : Clone trooper pilots : The story of Squad Seven
- Starship & Vehicle Directory : Republic Acclamator-class assault Ship
- In Command : The ARC-170 starfighter in detail
- Droids, Aliens & Creatures : The 501st Legion : Darth Vader's very own stormtrooper unit
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away : Coruscant : the radiant heart of the galaxy
- A Revolution In Film : Steve Sansweet : focusing on fan relations
- Movie Magic : The creation of the clone fighter: bringing the idea to life
- Did You Know?
- Star Wars A–Z (M—Mimban, Moore, Sly, MSE-6 droid, Mynock)