Star Wars: The Old Republic, Threat of Peace

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Threat of Peace is a series of webcomics related to the Star Wars: The Old Republic massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by BioWare and LucasArts. Robert Chestney wrote the series, and Alex Sanchez provided the illustrations. Dark Horse Comics published it on in three-page installments every other Friday throughout 2009 and the beginning of 2010. It was subsequently republished as a comic book and then compiled into a trade paperback. Threat of Peace is centered around the Treaty of Coruscant and what happened after it. Given that the series was launched quite early in the development phase of The Old Republic, the visual representation of numerous elements and characters in the comics differs substantially from their final appearances in The Old Republic.

Publisher's summary

For generations, the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire have been at war, but the capture of Coruscant and the resulting peace treaty are changing everything. While the Republic struggles to restore order, the Sith Empire is quickly strengthening its control over its new territory. However, behind closed doors, individual Sith Lords are engaged in a silent but deadly power struggle, and the Jedi are in disagreement as they grapple with the moral implications of the new galactic order. During this period of upheaval, the paths of several important characters intersect as they pursue their goals, defend their beliefs, and ultimately bring the galaxy to the verge of a devastating conflict.



  • STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Threat of Peace Announced on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  • Concept Art – STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Threat of Peace on The Old Republic's official website (link obsolete; content only found on older version of webpage: backup link)
  • First Issue of Threat of Peace Released on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  • Webcomics: Threat of Peace on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  • Threat of Peace in Print! on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  • Stepping into a Larger World: The Old Republic in Comics and Novels on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)

Notes and references
