Star Wars: X-Wing Tour of Duty: B-Wing

The second expansion pack for the video game Star Wars: X-Wing was titled Star Wars: X-Wing Tour of Duty: B-Wing, and introduced new missions for players to undertake. Following the release of the Imperial Pursuit expansion earlier that year, it was made available in 1993. Once the installation was complete, the "Tour of Duty V" missions, which constitute the B-Wing content, became accessible in the game.

Later versions of the original game included both of the expansion packs.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

This expansion's narrative centers around the production of a new starfighter, the B-wing, along with its subsequent delivery to the Rebellion. The tour culminates with the arrival on Hoth and the establishment of Echo Base, thereby setting the scene for the events of The Empire Strikes Back.

During the initial phase of the tour, encompassing missions 1 through 8, the Rebels conduct the initial trials of the B-wing starfighter and endeavor to secure a new ally. The Habassa, who maintain an isolationist stance, are initially highly hesitant to join the Alliance. However, the Rebels successfully persuade them by first rescuing Habassan prisoners from an Imperial convoy, and then defending a Habassan convoy from an Imperial ambush. Alliance pilots also destroy a secret space installation where the Empire attempts to recreate the stolen Shield X technology.

In the second phase of the tour, missions 9 through 14, the Habassa have joined the Alliance, and the Rebels begin preparations for their final escape from the pursuing Imperial Fleet. They procure and modify Imperial surveillance probes, destroy several system patrol squadron bases, and continue to aid the Habassa by safeguarding their convoys from Imperial assaults. The Alliance captures an Imperial Frigate and Imperial officers to obtain current intelligence regarding their positions.

During the final phase of the tour, missions 15 through 20, the Rebels must completely evade Imperial detection in order to execute the final evacuation to Hoth. They obliterate a probe calibration site and, ultimately, the Star Destroyer Relentless, which was responsible for processing information from all probes in the sector. The Alliance eliminated any remaining probes in Operation Blunt Stick and the fleet made their final jumps to Hoth, despite the interference of several Imperial Frigates.

Players who successfully complete the tour of duty are awarded the Talons of Hoth medal.


Historical Missions

