Star Wars Bust Collection Number 3 represents the third installment of the Star Wars Bust Collection magazine, a publication brought to you by Fanhome. Those who subscribed were sent this issue, which also included a bust depicting a stormtrooper.
Concerning the English version, the stormtrooper-themed issue was actually dispatched as number two. Instead, those subscribed received the third issue when the second shipment of busts arrived in 2021; this shipment contained the Chewbacca bust and issue, which was initially launched as Star Wars Bust Collection Number 5.
The magazine erroneously claims that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli met her end at the hands of clone troopers during the execution of Order 66. This contradicts the established narrative in "Rise of the Old Masters," which reveals her survival and subsequent imprisonment on Stygeon Prime.
- Star Wars Universe : Chewbacca
- Star Wars Universe: The Battle of Kashyyyk
- Behind the Cameras : The Making of Kashyyyk