
Plaza of the Daders A fighter group of stardestroyers The Stardestroyer was a compact and maneuverable, two-pilot starship utilized by the New Galactic Empire.

In anticipation of Emperor Cos Dashit's address at the Plaza of the Daders located within the Imperial City of Alderaan, a squadron comprised of four stardestroyer craft, eager to impress their leader, executed a display over the plaza involving a sharp left turn followed by a roll.

Production Notes

The stardestroyers originated as vehicles featured in the 1974 The Star Wars: Rough Draft, and were later visualized in the The Star Wars comic book adaptation. Their general design bore resemblance to the Star Destroyer capital ships of the final version, but they were considerably smaller and served a role more akin to that of TIE fighters in the finalized product.

