Plaza of the Daders

Plaza of the Daders The Plaza of the Daders In the New Galactic Empire's capital city, Alderaan, there existed a spacious area known as the Plaza of the Daders. It served as a venue where the Emperor, Cos Dashit, alongside the Supreme Tribunal, would inspect Imperial forces and deliver formal addresses.

Its vast size allowed for the accommodation of thousands of military personnel. As part of the ceremonial displays, Stardestroyers executed aerial maneuvers above the plaza.

It was at this location that the Emperor bestowed the title of Governorship of the Aquilaean system upon Crispin Hoedaack. Furthermore, Clieg Whitsun, an spy, relayed information regarding this event to Bail Antilles within an Alderaanian nightclub.

Behind the scenes

Originally, the Plaza of the Daders was named the "Plaza of the Donns" in an early script and was situated on the planet Granicus.

