Starstation 12

Starstation 12, a hub of bustling commerce and illicit activities, was a space station. While working for Darth Vader, Boba Fett tracked the Imperial defector Abal Karda to this location.

Having eliminated General Nim from the Imperial Lightning Battalion, Karda secretly arranged with the crew of the freighter Port-Esta Queen to deposit him at Starstation 12. Under the assumed name Mixxim, Karda compensated a tattoo artist, Bojam Rees, with Icarii gems to alter his appearance with the Duhma tribal markings. Soon after, he departed the station for Maryx Minor on the passenger vessel Drramas.

While on the station searching for Karda, Fett came across Gaan and questioned him to learn the objective of Nevo's unit. Fett then killed him, leaving his corpse in a photo booth for his colleagues to discover.

