Static pike

Static pikes were a specific kind of pike that discharged electricity. The Geonosian picadors at the Petranaki Arena situated on the planet of Geonosis employed these weapons to manage the diverse creatures utilized for amusement within the arena. During 22 BBY, picadors, while riding orrays, made use of static pikes to govern the reek, nexu, and acklay that were unleashed into the arena with the purpose of executing the captives Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala. A picador jabbed the nexu using a static pike, which incited the beast to turn on and slay the picador. Following the transition of the execution into the First Battle of Geonosis, Kenobi grabbed a static pike from a picador and threw it at the acklay like a spear, penetrating its skin, though with minimal impact. Throughout the conflict, several Geonosian guards brandished static pikes when confronting a party of Padawans along with their Jedi masters located in the arena's seating area.

